Videos for Earth Day 2021

Due to the unusual world situation still happening in 2021, we are holding a month-long virtual event. This year we have several projects we are focusing on including Carrie Dickerson's fight against Black Fox, and a return to the Black Fox Blues album that was produced to help raise funds for the legal action at the time. We reached out to long-time friends of the foundation, musicians, and activists to share their experiences. We also participated in the Mother Earth Project's Parachutes for the Planet. The foundation sponsored four parachutes to be decorated with themes that raise awareness of the dire nature of the climate emergency. We also have several musical performances for you to view from the comfort of your own home.
For details on these videos and more, please visit the Carrie Dickerson Foundation YouTube Channel.

Chuck Dunlap performed at the Shady Grove concerts which also raised money for the fight against Black Fox. Be sure to check out "Risin' Up" and "Song By the River" on Chuck's YouTube channel.

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